North American Joint Purchasing Program (NAJPP)

In 2009, NMMA amended its Joint Powers organizational document to permit the establishment of a central purchasing program called the North American Joint Purchasing Program. The primary objective was to achieve the best competitive price in the marketplace on select products and/or services for its members and/or participating community partners. Since its inauguration NAJPP has initiated three public bids for the following products: 1) office supplies, janitorial cleaning supplies and office furniture, and 2) filed marking paint.

NMMA has appointed a management committee comprised of six city managers/administrators with program oversight and decision making authority. At a recent session the committee identified several additional products or services it will consider adding to the program in the future; e.g., credit card services, engineering, fertilizer, surveying, bulk oil, street sweeping and ice arena products and services.

Office Supplies and Office Furniture Program

In June, 2010, Innovative Office Solutions, as lowest responsible bidder, was awarded a two year contract to provide office supply and office furniture programs to NMMA members and participating community partners. Since that date, Innovative Office Solutions has adjusted its winning bid product price schedule a number of times to meet or beat changing marketplace pricing. Innovative Office Solutions has initiated an aggressive marketing strategy to expand the program to include new public sector members. As a result, we are pleased to include the Cities of Hanover, Isanti, and Isanti County as NMMA associate members. In addition, the program has been structured to offer current and future private sector Community Partners best bid pricing from Innovative Office Solutions.

A key component of the Innovative Office Solutions bid was its willingness to include an annual 5% dividend payment to participating members and community partners based on their respective quantity purchases and after administrative fees. Based on sales in 2010, Innovative Office Solutions paid $3,264.89 as an earned dividend to NMMA for distribution. This is a win-win situation: delivering best market pricing and dividend returns based on quantity purchases.

Field Marking Paint

In early 2011, NAJPP received two competitive bids on providing field marking paint products. Hirshfield’s Paint Company was the successful lowest responsible bidder and NMMA awarded a one year contract through December 31, 2011 with the option to renew for an additional year. In addition, Hirshfield’s included a 1% Dividend Program based on quantity purchases that will be distributed annually during the term of the contract.

To Participate

Complete the registration form and send to:

Jill Brown
1000 Westgate Drive, Suite 252
Saint Paul, MN 55114